Resources, Insights, & Tips

Expert content to help you improve your eCommerce store and website performance.

Did You Know?

Amount the average company invests in CRO, for every $92 spent on acquisition (yikes!)
Source: Econsultancy
Percentage of companies that are not satisfied with their conversion rates
Source: Econsultancy
Average ROI for businesses that use CRO tools
Source: 99firms
Percentage of companies that have a formally documented CRO strategy
Source: Invesp

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Meet Our Writers

Hear from Flourish Commerce’s co-founders and eCommerce veterans.

Erin Gusty is a seasoned operator and leader with 10+ years of startup experience across marketing, product, eCommerce, and customer experience. She’s a 3x founder and has led teams at D2C, SaaS, and CPG companies.
Connect with Erin
Graham Lipsman has been building websites and apps since he was in middle school. He loves solving complex problems and making beautiful user experiences. He specializes in Shopify design & development for fast-growing eCommerce companies.
Connect with Graham
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We guarantee that our CRO audit recommendations, when you implement them, will improve the KPIs most important to you: add-to-cart and conversion rates, average order values, customer lifetime value, and more.
Our Guarantee
We guarantee that our CRO audit recommendations, when you implement them, will improve the KPIs most important to you: add-to-cart and conversion rates, average order values, customer lifetime value, and more.
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